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Re: Damn Small Linux for m68k?

Joel Ewy wrote:
package selection for DSL is already based on the exact
criteria that would make a good OS release for 68k machines -- packing
as much functionality as you can in the lowest amount of disk space,
with memory use and good performance on slower processors a high priority.

Sounds very reasonable to me.

that time I was running Galeon on RedHat 8 (or something like that) on a
Pentium 200, and noticing that it ran quite perceptibly faster than the
Mozilla browser on the same machine because, of course, it used GTK (or
whatever) to render the UI instead of the XML rendering engine.  Since
then I've been really curious to see what Firefox would be like on the
Q840.  I suspect it would be slow, but far more usable than the full
Mozilla suite ever was.

Doubtfully - Firefox is build on XUL (the XML driven rendering engine) as well. You'd want to try out Kazehakase or Epiphany (as Galeon is dead).

The m68k platform was the first non x86 Debian port.  Why not make it
the first non x86 DSL port?  Keep it small, fast, functional, and free.

yep :-)


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