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Re: 2.4.27 kernel and NE2000 pcmcia nic problem

On Sun, Jan 01, 2006 at 10:03:52PM +0300, îÉËÏÌÁÊ úÁÂÒÏÄÏÃËÉÊ wrote:
> I've got "working" sarge installation, but I still cannot get my NIC to
> work.
> I know, that I need a kernel only with apne network driver.
> Sarge has 3.x gcc, so I cannot recompile any 2.4.x kernel...

Sarge also has a package gcc-2.95, which can be installed in parallel
to the default gcc package.

> Can anyone help me ? I'm sure, that people have same problems, as me. 
> Please, would you be so kind to mail me *working* kernel image with apne
> support (linked, no module) ?

I'll compile one for you which should work, but I cannot test it myself
at the moment. I'll mail it to you when it's finished (in about 6 hours).



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