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Installing Woody on a Mac IIci without floppy and Mac Os possible?


The Goal: to install debian woody on a mac IIci
- without a floppy (it´s broken, so no boot floppies can be used)
- with a blank hard disc (no mac os)
- with a graphic card (with vga adapter) which might or might not work
with linux. I don´t have a mac monitor and the onboard graphic card
shows no picture on my pc monitor when using the vga adapter there, but
the graphic card gives a picture.
- with a nic that should work with woody

If it is not necessary I don´t want to install mac os (as done in

I have two SCSI-I-CD-ROMs here, but if I understand right, the IIci can
not boot from a CD-ROM. Is this correct (Want to know this before
getting the woody cds, because I have only ISDN here)?

My idea is using another computer to access the mac hard disc and make
it for the mac bootable. It seems to me that mac-fdisk and pmac-fdisk
could do this, but these are not available on my pc running i368 woody
and windows. Are there alternatives?

Is it possible by formatting the disc using hfs file system and putting
a bootable debian or mac os on it? If yes, how?

In Debian Manual is written (A.2.4. Booting from hard disk)
"It's possible to boot the installer using no removable media, but just
an existing hard disk, which can have a different OS on it. Download
hd-media/initrd.gz, hd-media/vmlinuz, and a Debian CD image to the
top-level directory of the hard disk. Make sure that the CD image has a
filename ending in ".iso". Now it's just a matter of booting linux with
the initrd."
Being a linux novice, I don´t know Where to download hd-media/initrd.gz
and hd-media/vmlinuz. Is here Mac Os necessary? Is there somebody who
could describe or outline this?

I know it sounds a bit like "can it be done?", but would really love to
use this mac as a small web server.

Thanks for any help.

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