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linux <==ethernet==> macos7 [OT]

Well, my IIci has some problems, so at the moment i can't install linux in
it. anyway, i'd like to connect it to my linux network, but i don't know
how could i do it (since i know nothing of that *stupid* macos).

this is the situation

    |                       |
linux pc                   mac

i installed netatalk on the linux pc, and i'm able to mount the linux disk
under the mac, and i hope i'll figure how to ssh to it.

but i have no idea on how i could see the mac using linux. mount, shell,
ftp, anything would be nice. but i don't even have an idea on how to set
the IP address on the mac!

some ideas?

thanks and excuse me for the OT.

"Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they are not after you"
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Real Name: Lorenzo Petrone   <* >
Web: lano.webhop.net          \/ ·

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