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how to install 2.2.17


My name is Sugawara from Japan.
I have questions about the installation process of the kernel with NCR5380 SCSI controller.
Please somebody give me the advice.

I have installed the potato kernel ver.2.2.10 in my IIfx with 20MB RAM.
When I didn't use another SCSI equipment, it works well.
Since I wanted to use CD-ROM drive, I decided to apply the 2.2.17 as the document indicated.
Though I tried as follows, the IIfx didn't work.

1. I downloaded files of vmlinux and modules for ver.2.2.17.

2. I located the extracted module files of 2.2.17 under the directory /target/lib/module/ Since there is already ver.2.2.10 directory in /target/lib/module/, I removed it.

3. Reboot the system.

4. In the penguin booter, I changed the kernel file from "linux" to "vmlinux" which was extracted from 2.2.17.

5. I booted the system, but it hanged up in the beginning of debian install menu.

My questions are ;
1.Should the modules name of a directory be changed from 2.2.7 to 2.2.10?

2.Is it correct that selection the "vmlinux" file in the booter settings?

3.Should the link of "vmlinuz" in root directory to /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.10 be changed to /boot/vmlinux which was 2.2.17 kernel downloaded ?

4.What was wrong with installation process?

Thank you in advance.


  菅原利一 (Toshikazu Sugawara)
  東日本電信電話株式会社 法人営業本部 (NTT East Corp.)
  〒100-0004 東京都千代田区大手町1-5-1 大手町FSビルEAST 2F
  電話(Tel):03-5220-7603, ファクス(Fax):03-5224-4955

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