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Re: removing xdm


Here's a cool link from Jag. He uses Debian and has figured out a cool way
to hook up printers. Read the whole page. Yes, the serial ports don't work
very well. Submit a bug report. Most of the maintainers don't take this too
seriously because they basically use ataris and amigas. Europeans I guess
don't use too many macs.

-----Original Message-----
From: Moses Wildermuth <MosesPro@ecity.net>
To: debian-68k@lists.debian.org <debian-68k@lists.debian.org>
Date: Saturday, November 25, 2000 4:06 AM
Subject: Re: removing xdm

>From the desk of Moses Wildermuth. Money Talks Enterprises,
>> Moses:
>> If you would use the tasksel, you can set up a complete X window system.
>> This will install xdm, but this really isn't a problem if gpm isn't
>> running.
>I did that the first time that's what screwed me up, and I don't know why
>gpm would cause the looping password rtn, but I guess I can dump gpm too.
>I always end up issuing gpm -k, anyway.  Doing that still did not effect
>that password thing before.
>Well, I'm beyond that now, and when I run startx I now get gnome.  I'm
>unhappy that I can't use my ASDG serial ports, and my screen is still a
>funky resolution.  I thought the clgen docs said it could handle more nmal
>resolutions, but I will reread it and muck around with the XF86Config
>again.  The serial problem alone is enough to make me dump the whole
>project soon though.  I was counting on using that ASDG module, because I
>need the MB's serial port for my printer.  I have a really nice looking
>gnome desktop with jpg image in background and everything running smoothly,
>more or less.  I rebooted, etc a few times to be sure.  I basically pointed
>my apt at unstable and did a distribution upgrade.  I'm running woody
>now(or so it tells me).   I got some diald trying unsuccessfully to dial my
>isp during bootup, I think that has to go too(along with gpm, and I find I
>don't really need xdm anyway).  It also seems the gnome prefs editor wants
>to run every time I start X and the settings I select in
>gnome-control-panel don't show up unless I run gnome-control-panel
>everytime(?) wierd stuff.  but I am a lot farther than I would have thought
>possible several months ago.  And for what it's worth 68k can handle a lot
>more than some people give her credit for.
>MosesPro --> Money Talks Enterprises
>http://www.angelfire.com/ia/mosespro, ICQ-13469530, AIM-Wolfy2264
>A3000D, Warp040/40, Spectrum, ASDG Xserial, Nexus, 2+64 Fast+8 DMA(RAD:),
>9+1.2gig SCSI2, Zip100 and  Pinnacle 2X CDR/W; Running Hot with OS3.5 and
>Scalos1.2! Emulating MacOS7.61 and Win3.11WFW, Debian68k/Gnome
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