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Re: FAQ (fwd)

> > On a side note, before trying this I tried jumping in and out of X.  after
> > using ctrshift-fkey to get out of X and back to VT, nothing will let me
> > back in.  I tried ctrl-alt-fkeys and even ctrl-amiga-fkeys.  It didn't
> > work.  maybe there is a special key combinstion for Amiga that I am not
> > aware of.
> under x86, shift-F7 (without control) will take you to X, unless there is a
> bug in the VT driver.
 Pretty much the same on our dear machines: c-a-f[1-6] get you out of X
 into vc [1-6], and once there, a-f7 gets you back into X.

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