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Re: ASDGX serial

>From the desk of Moses Wildermuth. Money Talks Enterprises, 

> On Thu, Nov 16, 2000 at 04:56:01PM -0600, Moses Wildermuth wrote:
>> I bugged Christian with so many questions and he told me to join this
>> list for help or hire him. I think he was joking, but I'm not sure. He
>> don't
> I'm never joking, actually I'm looking for a (well paid) job. 

I had one of those, and I didn't like it.  LOL.

>> like the personal email anyway, I know that. He also knew next to nothing
>> about the ASDG module I require.
> Because I hate answering the same questions again and again. If I knew an
> answer (I don't) it should be enough to anser it once on this list and
> maybe add it to my potato page when I find the time.

You should see the newbieX list I found.  I get a lot of good information
and helpful hints from that list, but the same error I had trouble with
appears 2-3 times a day from users of every platform/video card you can
imagine.  "No valid screens found".  That has to be the #1 FAQ.  and must
the the #1 reason people join the list!  I kinda chuckle and just resend a
previous reply from the day before, if no one else has beat me to it.

> So you're on the right track already, hack on the kernel for the good of
> all (three?) remaining amiga users.

I told you I was a fast learner.  This email list still gives me fits, but I
have discovered a workaround, just have to remember to apply it to every
mail that hits this list.  I found the original author of the module
'hiding out' on the linuxm68k@phil.uni-sb.de list, just last night.  I am
attempting communique's to possibly establish a new driver module for
potato.  I am also trying to promote Debian further in the Amiga community,
but it is difficult, because of several factors.  I first heard of it from
a A1200 user in Turkey, blew me away that he was using ICQ on his A1200
thru linux.  I said RedHat and he said, No Debian.  I been trying to get it
going ever since.  Now a whole version upgrade later, I am very close.  The
first year was wasted over a tiny problem that I could get no answer to at
all.  It took a flash of insight to make me try something different and
Debian suddenly came up.  Things like this discourage regular users.  I'm
quite a bit more stubborn than most people, as you have discovered. 

MosesPro --> Money Talks Enterprises

http://www.angelfire.com/ia/mosespro, ICQ-13469530, AIM-Wolfy2264
A3000D, Warp040/40, Spectrum, ASDG Xserial, Nexus, 2+64 Fast+8 DMA(RAD:),
9+1.2gig SCSI2, Zip100 and  Pinnacle 2X CDR/W; Running Hot with OS3.5 and
Scalos1.2! Emulating MacOS7.61 and Win3.11WFW, Debian68k, X is next.

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