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I sat down to take apart a "broken" LC 475, and I thought I'd give it one last chance. I hooked it back up, and the damn thing took it. After having no success with it way back when, I just set it under my workbench and did nothing to it. But it now chimes, no tune, and boots the macOS nicely. It was apparently in regular use until it was decommissioned. I lanched netscape 2.0, and found a ton of email, the most recent message was tantilizingly from the TCU's support department postmarked 1996. I opened it, and it said, "...will stop by your office to talk about an upgrade on your system tomorrow..." I have to assume that was a fatal upgrade as far as this little 475 was concerned.

Since it is now working, I'll debianize it along with my IIci, and have to break my promise to offer it's bits and pieces to list subscribers.

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