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ftp locations not consistent

Hey guys,

I'm actually going to follow the mac install doc from scratch! 
<sarcasm>What a concept! <\sarcasm>

Anyway, I went through to a mirror site or two, and found that 

"No matter which site you use, the path to locate the files should always
 /pub/debian/dists/potato/main/disks-m68k/current/ "

isn't true. I think this is correct for ftp://ftp.de.debian.org and
ftp://ftp.fr.debian.org, but it isn't true for za, us, or uk. I haven't yet
tried the others. I think for the ones that this isn't true for the
directory path is: debian/dists/potato/main/disks-m68k/current

hmmm.... maybe I'll just edit the doc to say something about maybe needing
pub in there, depending on where you go. 

The stuff that's "current" is as of June 17? 'Cause that's what I'll be


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