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Re: Potato Installation guide-Mac

> > I must have missed part of that. We need to create that directory
> > structure if installing off the hard disk (floppies are not an option with
> > potato). 
> Unpack macinstall.tgz and your done.

Did you look at my diff? It's suggested there :-)

> > Yep. You could try to boot from the rescue.bin image in case the booter is
> > on that image, unpacked. But you would need to load the ramdisk from a
> > second floppy. 
> And this works? On my amiga, I never got the floppy to do anything...

Loading the kernel, yes. Loading the ramdisk later from Linux, no.
Floppies are useless. 

> > Nope. The instmnt is prepended by the installer, you only need to give it
> > the path on the actual filesystem. On the CD that would be /install, why
> > not use the same name on the HD? 
> Did you try the installation? I can only say what happens on Amiga (forgot
> how it looked for i386) and I'd wonder if it'd be different for Mac. When
> you select operating system and modules or base.tgz, you first choose if its
> on hdd, CD, mounted filesys and whatnot. Then you get a selection window
> where you are asked for the path. /instmnt is set there allready as the
> default (if using harddisk, the partition you selected is mounted under
> /instmnt). If you _add_ the right directory there, files are installed (I

OK, that's one of the potato specifics I noticed when doing the Atari
install but lost the notes later. 

> allways chose the fastest for my tests (read, return, return, wait, cursor
> down, return, return, ... get the idea?)

Right, but watch it break on Mac. 

> > > +Is it really different on a Mac?)
> > 
> > Yes, it will find three locations (install/.finderinfo, install/.resource, 
> > install/), only the last one is useful. 
> It will _find_ base2_2.tgz in install/.finderinfo? Sounds weird, did you
> actually try this? My experience says, it is searching for files and

Yep. It finds a file with zero bytes size (or a rather small size for the
finderinfo) named base2_2.tgz in install/[.finderinfo,.resource]. It's
metadata from the HFS filesystem, not the real file data which are in
install/base2_2.tgz. Due to ASCII sort order the fakes are listed first. 

HFS bogosity, should be worked around in the kernel not the apps. Did I
mention the rather sorry state of HFS filesystem development even for PPC? 

> Michael, will you make a patch with your suggested changes? Somehow I do not
> fully agree with all of them, but then I don't have a mac to test things on.

My patch to the original, reformatted doc was included with the
reformatted doc (second attachment). merge is your friend. 


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