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Boot failure after install

I have installed Linux on my C650 (which does not have an LC chip), using dev1440.bin, resc1440.bin, base2_0.tgz (though the installer made me rename it base1_3.tgz to actually install it), macroot.bin, and vmlinux-2.0.33pl1-990120.gz as a kernel.  When I go back and change the kernel options line in the Penguin booter (I'm using v1.6, by the way) from root=/dev/ram to root=/dev/sda5 (my linux root & user partition happens to be the fifth partition on my scsi drive), and boot, it eventually fails.  I get through most of the boot process, and it fails on INIT.  Here's what I get, starting with mounting root:

sda: MAC sda1 sda2 sda3 sda4 sda5
RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
VFS:  Mounted root (minix filesystem).
VFS:  Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
INIT:  version 2.75 booting
INIT:  Entering runlevel: 2
Starting system log daemon: syslogdstart-stop-daemon: nothing in /proc - not mounted?
 klogdstart-stop daemon: nothing in /proc - not mounted?
Starting kerneld, version 2.1.85 (pid 21)
Starting base networking daemons: portmapstart-stop-daemon: nothing in /proc - not mounted?
 inetdstart-stop-daemon: nothing in /proc - not mounted?
login[29]: unable to change tty '/dev/tty1' for user 'root'

Unable to change tty /dev/tty1: Illegal seek
login[35]: unable to change tty '/dev/tty1' for user 'root'

Unable to change tty /dev/tty1: Illegal seek
login[36]: unable to change tty '/dev/tty1' for user 'root'

Unable to change tty /dev/tty1: Illegal seek
login[38]: unable to change tty '/dev/tty1' for user 'root'

Unable to change tty /dev/tty1: Illegal seek
INIT: ID "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes

And, sure enough, it will sit there for five minutes and then flail around a while longer in the same fashion until it decides to disable for another five minutes.  Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong.

Thanks in advance,

Eric Albright

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