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Re: gnome?

Martin Steigerwald <steigerw@stud.uni-frankfurt.de> writes:

> Anybody tried the GNOME deb archives?

I have.
> Beside that printer spooling manager I cant get anything to work.

They work for me; what problems are you having?  Please be aware of
two things though:

o You must be running X in 8 bit or better; GTK's biggest weakness
  IMHO is that it doesn't support colour depths < 8 bit.

o On not-so-fast machines (e.g. mine), some of the applications take a
  looong time to start up, afaics, because of guile.  (Though I don't
  think this is your problem, since IIRC, you have an 060)

Also, *please* do report any problems you have with debs, I can't
promise to fix them or even help, but I'll try and it's important that
we know what works and what doesn't.


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