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RE: hamm - network access problems

In message "RE: hamm - network access problems", 

>>   I'm reposting the information you asked for (I'm also sending it to Alan Cox,
>>and the linux-mac68k@wave.lm.com mailing list)  Is there are hard copy of the
>>panic log on disk?  (I just typed in what I thought would be needed.  I
>>didn't bother to type in the call trace or the stack... Is it needed?)
>The panic isn't probably on disk, because the kernel stops doing anything after
>a panic. 
>To figure out what caused the null pointer write there we might need the 
>call trace as well, but let me first try to find the spot in the code.
>>I'm using kernel 2.105 the 7/8 version.
>>I'm not sute but 8930 chip could be at:
>>00:00:94:5b:c1:7b (MAC Address)  IRQ 12 at 0xfc0d0000-0xfc0d1ffff
>That's the chip memory, not the chip itself.

Where might I find the chip memory?
>>Ooops: 00000000
>>SR: 2004  SP: 01151b00  a2:01150000
>>d0: 00000018    d1: 0000ea60   d2: 00122416   d3: 01ec070d
>>d4: 00000001    d2: 0000000b   d3: 00123fa4   d4: 01d52000
>>Process telnet (pid: 93, stackpage=01151000)
>>Frame format=A ssw=070d isb=ffcc daddr=00000000 dobuf=00000000
>>Stack from 01151828:
>That's a null pointer access ...
>>>>Data write fault at 0xfc0d0054 in Super Data (pc=0xf37ca)
>>>>Oops: 00000000
>>>>PC: xxxx
>>>>SRE xxxx SP:xxxxx a2:xxx
>>>>d0: xxxx d1: xxxx d2: xxxx d3: xxxx
>>>>d4: xxxx d5: xxxx a0: xxxx a1: xxxx
>And that's a different thing. Can you reproduce this one ?

Uhm, I did the same thing to get both errors...  How do I tell the difference between errors?

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