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RE: Hamm install on a Mac IIci - reboot after install problems


>   I've installed Debian (Hamm) on a Mac IIci.  I've gotten it to 
>the point where it needs to reboot.  I configured the Penguin 
>loader to point to root=/sdb4/root.bin.  During the reboot it 

That's utter bullshit. What you wanted to type in there is root=/dev/sdb4
(that's a Linux *device* name, specifying the root *partition*, not the 
ramdisk image to use). 

>hangs somewhere after the hwclock failure (I've heard the 
>failure is not really a problem).  I've rebooted several times, and 
>each time it hangs in a or around the same spot.  

Please try again with the correct root device spec. And be more specific about
the 'somewhere', there's quite a lot still being started up after the hwclock 


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