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Updates on the Verein


as some of you know, we've had to do another round of formalities
for the Verein. Just to ensure that everyone is on the same page,
here's a brief account of what happened.

Feel free to skip. The short summary is: we're all chugging along
and it won't be long until we have our legal entity. The process was
painful, but that's Germany for you. Lament it, or just play along,
we can't change it anyway.

It's all my fault btw.. I proposed to name the thing "DebConf
Deutschland e.V.", and this is the crux, so you can tar&feather me
all you like. ;)

Here's the long story:

In Germany, the "Association of German Chambers of Industry and
Commerce" (IHK)¹ is an advocacy group and paid membership is
mandatory for businesses (not for us). Believe me, I cannot fathom
many businesses who would become voluntary members, but the
government backs them and even bestows certain competencies among

¹) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_Chambers_of_Industry_and_Commerce

As a result, the registry consulted with them before adding us to
their register, and the IHK took an issue with "Deutschland" in our
name, as it could possibly maybe potentially give the slight
impression that we are somewhat officially representing the nation.
Heavens forbid!

Therefore, we had to change the name by dropping "Deutschland", and
this was done in our meeting on 10 August 2014 (minutes attached).
We are now "DebConf e.V." and we sent off the new documents just
before DebConf (in a hurry)…

… which made me forget that the registry needs a notary-signed
registration form, which we had provided, but which was now out of
date, of course, as it mentioned the old name.

Hence Richi had to go to the notary again, which he did last
Wednesday, and now everything should be in order.

As soon as we are registered, we'll file for tax exemption, and
I assume that we should be ready to roll in October. Which is fine.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. But you are also
perfectly welcome to just ignore all of this. It's enough that
Richi, Jörg and I have to deal with the crap ;)

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debconf.org> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf14: Portland, OR, USA:   http://debconf14.debconf.org
      DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany: http://debconf15.debconf.org

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