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Re: [Debconf-team] Proposal for bits.debian.org about sponsors for DC15

Laura Arjona Reina <larjona@larjona.net> writes:

> Hi
> On 8 de noviembre de 2014 07:48:10 GMT+01:00, martin f krafft <madduck@debconf.org> wrote:
>>also sprach Laura Arjona Reina <larjona@larjona.net> [2014-11-07 15:14
>>> The updated proposal is in the same place:
>>> http://whiteboard.debian.net/bits_blogpost_sponsors_dc15_1.wb
>>Great. Let's get this reviewed and push it out on Monday morning
>>— before we get the next two or more sponsors already in the queue.
>>Can you handle this this weekend?
> My only time slot probably is Sunday morning, 9 - 11:00 UTC.
> I'll use that time to send the text or patch or whatever to Ana +
> publicity. If you have reviews/changes, please do them before Sunday.

I just read the proposed text and it looks great. I'm not a native
english speaker, so a review from someone on the team or the
debian-l10n-english mailinglist might be a good idea.

If it's not too much work to also include the 2 newly announced sponsors
I would also include them in the mail. I think the message gets more
weight if we can announce that we already have 8 sponsors. But if you
don't have time to add those, I think it's OK to send the text without
this addition.

Another possible addition would be to include the amount of sponsorship
money already commited vs. the amount required for the conference.
Similar to the "bar" you often see on fundraising campaign sites.


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