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Re: Status on sponsorship brochure

also sprach Michael Banck <mbanck@debian.org> [2014-08-08 20:11 +0200]:
> I disagree: this would not only affect how we raise the money, but
> also impact how (a small part of) DebConf is run, so I think we
> should ask for general comments.

Sure, don't get me wrong. Comments are great and generally improve
things. But we should try to avoid lengthy discussion over whether
it should be done.

We know that a job fair would be a first at DebConf, we know that
this is going to rub people the wrong way and we know that we will
probably not arrive at consensus on dc-team over it — just to name
one example.

On that basis, we should as a team decide what we want, and if we
want a job fair, then the question ought to be "we will have one,
here is what we think, please let us know what you think", rather
than "do you think a job fair is a good idea".

I am *not* trying to segregate us from dc-team or argue *against*
them. I am simply trying to stay clear of the swamp of lengthy
discussions, because they burn so much time, and it's much harder
afterwards to actually discern what should be done, or to
consolidate any decisions.

It can work in Debian without time frames (though I wish we wouldn't
do it as much as we do it), but DebConf operates on a strict
timeline, so I believe some more assertive approach is needed
towards incorporating the wider community into decisions that
ultimately affect those doing the actual work on site more than

Sure, a job fair will have an effect on all attendees, and I am
certain there will be some who'll spit on our heads for the idea and
for commercialising the conference. But if it's contained in a room
and voluntary, then the only real effect is on us who have to solve
the logistics and carry the desks.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debconf.org> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf14: Portland, OR, USA:   http://debconf14.debconf.org
      DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany: http://debconf15.debconf.org

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