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Kick-off meeting on 3 May in Heidelberg

Dear team,

Our team kick-off will take place on 3 May. Among the things on the
agenda will almost certainly be the foundation of our association,
for which we need 7 people at least (unless we manage to do this in
April already, in which case we might even sign the contract then!).

Even though many of us are in Munich, Heidelberg makes a lot more
sense, so I suggest that we meet there. This allows everyone to
check out the venue, and if we book in time, then we can get saver
tickets on the train, or car-pool. Heidelberg is easily reached from
all other cities in Germany (and Switzerland) via Mannheim.

The plan would be to meet at the hostel at 13:15 (train from Munich
arrives 12:44), do some planning, check out the town, go out for
(early) dinner, and then either catch a late train back home, or
stay a night at the hostel.

Costs for this would have to be borne by each person individually,
for now. But keep the receipts, as I think we should definitely
claim expenses later and get refunded, if the budget permits.

I've put in a reservation for 12 beds. Please let us know via


whether you'll participate. Tick the box for Sunday only if
you're planning to sleep overnight. And please try to respond within
the next *few* days, because the youth hostel is already very full
on that night due to the "long weekend".

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debconf.org>
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf14: Portland, OR, USA: http://debconf14.debconf.org
the micro$oft hoover: finally, a product that's supposed to suck!

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