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Re: [PLUG] DebConf14 things

On Wed, 11 Jun 2014 20:03:25 -0500
Carl Karsten <carl@personnelware.com> dijo:

>1. What is the network (both wired and wifi) like at
>http://www.pdx.edu/conferences/smith-memorial-student-union   (3rd

There is no wired access, but there is good wifi. However, I do not
know if there is guest access, as I always connect with my student
account. If there is no guest access I know that it can be arranged.

Your 300 people will not overwhelm the PSU bandwidth, but you probably
will find that the access points on the third floor are a bottleneck. 

>Does anyone know of a group that has used that venue before?  It would
>be great to talk to their organizers.

The third floor of Smith has a large ballroom with stage, and that is
probably where they expect you to assemble. There are also numerous
smaller rooms surrounding the area. I do wonder, however, how many
access points are in the ballroom. 

I said above that there is no wired access, but there may be a wired
connector on the stage for the podium. 

>Should we bring in an outside vendor?  $$$!

What do you mean by "an outside vendor"? Advertisers who would set up

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