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Making plans for Hamburg's Mini-DebConf in May


A week ago, h01ger announced there would be a Mini-DebConf in Hamburg,
Germany, from May 16th to May 20th. [1]

From our latest meeting, both Tobi and Olasd were planning to go.

Is anyone else from the videoteam planning to be there? I think I can
make it, but I would need to ask for a travel sponsorship.

We should start thinking about the gear we need to bring and what needs
to be rented.

AFAIU, there will only be one talk room, so we could bring the exact
same hardware we did at Cambridge [2].

That means the only thing we would need the orga team to provide would be:

* a PA system
* microphone stands
* ambient microphones (x2 preferably)

Thoughts and ideas on this?


[1] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/de/2018/MiniDebConfHamburg

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