H0lger asked me to write a short mail to introduce myself.
I'm a member of the ccc (chaos computer club) video team (c3voc.de) a group
of opensource video enthusiasts who does video streaming
and recording for most of the CCC events and some opensource events
like the froscon. I want to talk to you about our setup and what we think
could be the replacement for dv switch. Besides that we have a complete
post processing tool kit which was developed by a FeM (a student group at
the university Illmenau) which will be opensource very soon (and is
already available on request).
I will bring some slides from a talk about our setup which we gave at
froscon this year so if there is some spare time i can show them to the
debian video team and we can talk about
points where we can join the forces.
cheers derpeter
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