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Re: [Debconf-video] Advice about a video system

On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 9:55 AM, Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre@irill.org> wrote:
> Hello Dear Video Team,
> Here, at IRILL ( http://www.irill.org/ ), we offer a place (with network
> and heating) for people involved in the free software world who want to
> gather and discuss.

IRILL is located in the 13th arrondissement (district) of Paris. The
exact address is  23, avenue d'Italie,75013 Paris, France

> We already hosted some Debian events (Release team, i18n, etc) and we
> are going to host more with the GNU Hackers meeting in August for
> example.
> In this context, we would like to equip ourself with some video
> equipments.
> Basically, our goal is to have to same level of quality and features
> that you achieved at the Debconf.
> I would like to know if anyone is willing to help us and give us some
> advices. For now, we are considering buying all the equipment for one
> room.

($ are in  USD)

Twinpact100 - $500  must have.  converts VGA being projected to a dv
video stream.

dv camera(s) - $250 - $2500  (pycon used cheap, debconf expensive)
Having a 2nd camera for the audience is really nice.

Tripod(s) - $20 - $200.

mics: 0 - $2000
it depends on lots of factors:

I have used the built in mic on the $250 camera.  If it is close to
the presenter and there are only 10 or so people in the room (so not
much noise) it worked good enough.

$35 wired hand held mic on a $20 boom mic stand to hold the mic above
the presenter's laptop can work OK, but kinda sucks as soon as they
turn their head to the side, or stand up and forget to take the mic.

Something that attaches to the presenter solves those problems, but
now you kinda want wireless, and you kinda want more than one to
handle more than one presenter.   Head sets seem to be better than
clip on lav.

Condenser mic to pick up audience voices. - $65 + $20 mic stand.

6 channel mixer: $150

powered speaker: $50
Even if the room is small and you don't need it for the audience, get
a PA speaker - It helps the presenter know they are speaking into the
mic, which is a problem if you don't have the PA speaker.  I just got
one for $40 which was fine for a room with 40 people in it.

PC to run DVswitch: $600 ish.  It does not need lots of CPU or ram.
it needs about 130 gig of drive space for a day of recording.  it
needs 1 firewire *bus* (not port) for each video source (2 for 1
camera, 1 twinpact) - most firewire cards only have one bus.  line
level audio in which will be hooked to the mixer.

> Thanks
> Sylvestre
> _______________________________________________
> Debconf-video mailing list
> Debconf-video@lists.debconf.org
> http://lists.debconf.org/mailman/listinfo/debconf-video

Carl K

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