debconf-video Jun 2010 by thread
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Re: [Debconf-video] DC10 Videoteam members Frank Lin PIAT
[Debconf-video] Meeting next Tuesday, 22nd June, 19:00 UTC Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
Re: [Debconf-video] [Debconf-team] DC10 T-shirts Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
[Debconf-video] Twinpact at the USSF Simon Fondrie-Teitler
[Debconf-video] Meeting Tuesday, 22nd June 19:00 UTC Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
Re: [Debconf-video] [Debconf10-localteam] [video] CRF staff meeting, 2010-06-04 Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
[Debconf-video] Software stuff in wiki Tiago Bortoletto Vaz
[Debconf-video] Meeting minutes, 2009-06-22 Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
[Debconf-video] Video Loop Stream DC10 Valessio Brito
Re: [Debconf-video] Bootloaders BoF at DebConf? Holger Levsen
The last update was on 14:52 GMT Fri Jun 07. There are 28 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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