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Re: [Debconf-video] Damn statistics ;-) (Posted by Holger Levsen)

Amaya wrote:
> We are keeping some remarks about the files at:
> http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf7/videoteam/RecordingsRemarks
> Those will probably have to be re-grabbed from tape later after debconf.
> This is manual (tedious, boring) work, so it will take a bit, but we
> thought releasing files like this was better than not releasing at all
> (for now).

Sounds alike a good plan to me. Are you able to place a short readme in
the directory with the video's to explain the planned proces?. It would
make things clearer to those of us not on site that you hope to fix the
videos with issues.

> Thanks for any feedback you might have!

No problem, I'll keep an eye out for anything else. Keep up the good

-- James Healy <jimmy-at-deefa-dot-com>  Wed, 20 Jun 2007 23:26:48 +1000

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