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[DebConf18] Privacy and govermental funds


(I would like to give a recap of previous email, since that information
is not complete.)

Some of our funds (MEET TAIWAN, NCTU and probably NCHC) requires us to
give them a list of attendees.

According to the information from MEET TAIWAN, this includes their
nationality, phone number, email address, company and occupations to
give them the proof that our conference meets their funding requirements
(at least 30 foreign people in a conference) and is close to the number
of expected attendees during application.  

NCTU also needs that list to apply funds to cover their own venue cost.

However, we do care about the privacy of attendees, and would like to
take opt-in approach.  During the global team meeting this week we
discussed to ask attendees on the website if they are willing to give
such information to the government and the university for us to gather
more funds to cover the expense.

If we agree on this, we have to implement this opt-in page in our
registration system (or confirmation page), also tells attendees what
data we are gathering, and to whom we are giving to.

This is partially influenced by GDPR requirements because we have many
people coming from EU and Taiwan is not protected by the privacy shield.

Best regards,
Yao Wei

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