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Re: eVisa for DebConf18

Hi, czchen

Most attendees can apply for the Visa exemption program [1] (免簽). The attendees from the designated Countries and China can apply for the Visitor Visas(停留簽證, 大陸來台自由行) [2]

The eVisa program is for special cases. If attendees are from the following countries, they would need our help to apply an eCode for them to apply Taiwan e-Visa. According to my experiences, it is not easy to get eCode from our Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  1. 適用之23個國家:土耳其、馬其頓、諾魯、吐瓦魯、吉里巴斯、史瓦濟蘭、巴拿馬、索羅門群島、馬紹爾群島、模里西斯、帛琉、布吉納法索、秘魯、厄瓜多、哥倫比亞、阿曼、巴林、卡達、科威特、蒙特內哥羅、多米尼克、阿拉伯聯合大公國及沙烏地阿拉伯。
  2. 不限國別:應邀來我國參加由中央政府機關主辦、協辦或贊助之國際會議、賽事或商展活動者。
  3. 印度、印尼、越南、緬甸、柬埔寨及寮國:透過交通部觀光局指定旅行依據「東南亞國家優質團客來臺觀光簽證作業規範」申請來臺旅遊團客。

  4. 南亞6國商務人士:印度、斯里蘭卡、孟加拉、尼泊爾、不丹及巴基斯坦籍人士經外貿協會駐當地機構之推薦者。

  5. 伊朗商務人士:經外貿協會駐當地機構之推薦者,得適用申請電子簽證。

  6. 電子簽證問與答。
(Sorry, I can't find the English version)

[2] [Procedures for Nationals of the Designated Countries Applying for Visitor Visas to the Republic of China(R.O.C.)]https://www.boca.gov.tw/cp-159-249-4162c-2.html

<znoteer@mailbox.org> 於 2018年1月28日 週日 下午10:51寫道:
> Le 28 janvier 2018 à 09:25, ChangZhuo Chen <czchen@debconf.org> a écrit :
> * International Conference
>   * Attendees are from 3 or more countries/regions.
>   * More than 100 attendees, and foreigners (including Mainland China)
>   * are 30% up or 50 persons up.
> [eVisa zh_TW] https://www.meettaiwan.com/zh_TW/menu/M0000775/%E5%BD%88%E6%80%A7%E5%85%A5%E5%A2%83%E6%A9%9F%E5%88%B6.html?function=9ABFE646EAF7B357D0636733C6861689
> [eVisa en_US] https://www.meettaiwan.com/en_US/news/2016010007/0/Foreign%20Nationals%20Participating%20in%20Inter...html

For English speakers, the equivalent link to the Chinese language one is



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