Re: [Debconf-team] Revision of DebConf CoC
Hello Cate
Thanks for dedicate time to this.
I'm attaching a third proposal that supersedes my former proposal.
And a diff respect to my former proposal.
Below I explain the changes, based in your comments.
El 15/05/17 a las 10:23, Giacomo Catenazzi escribió:
> Hello,
> On 05.05.2017 13:46, Laura Arjona Reina wrote:
>> Hi everybody
> (...)
>> I'm attaching 3 documents:
>> The current code of conduct (debconf_coc_current.txt)
>> The proposal that is on the table (debconf_coc_proposal2.txt)
>> A second proposal that I put on the table (debconf_coc_proposal2.txt)
> I also like your second proposal, because it seems shorter and more
> structured. The original proposal seems (to me) a pool of ideas, but
> lack of structure and consistency. [but also the second version of Laura
> has still some of such problems
> Before to go to details:
> - I'm not sure why we need a new code of conduct.
I'm not sure either, but at least some minor improvements like
"photographed" -> "photographed or recorded" are useful.
> -
> And the details:
> 1.1 is a (PR) lie. We had problems in DebConf and we expelled a DD. So
> we should be more Debianista: don't hide problems:
> "(...)However, *in past DebConfs and other conferences* (...)"
Agreed, incorporated in my third proposal, attached.
> The point two was better in the original proposal, but I have also changes:
> 2.0* This Code of Conduct applies in addition to the Debian Code of
> Conduct and the Debian Diversity Statement.
> [I find good to highlight this. Laura proposal hide it. Also more
> strength to Diversity statement, because it is more sensible in DebConf
> (to the orga side), in Debian is just OK to ignore people.]
I'm ok with this. I've included a 2.0 paragraph.
Once the text is final, I would renumber so all the sections start
with number 1, though.
> 2.2*
> "(...) as well as all related events *and places*, which include also:
> - DebConf, DebCamp venues and (if the case) also the provided hacklabs,
> food and accommodation venues
> - IRC, mailing lists, organization meetings,
> - (the unofficially...)
Agreed, incorporated in the attached proposal.
> 2.1* without "in addition...", already moved in 2.0
Agreed, incorporated in the attached proposal.
> 3.3* "We *, Debian,*" [Like many other proposal, we define *we* in
> different ways in different point. So lets be explicit on the intent.
Agreed, incorporated in the attached proposal.
> 4.3 + "or recorded"
Agreed, incorporated in the attached proposal.
> 5.1, 5.2: "*personal DebConf* badge". Not really a name badge, we allow
> "anonymous people (on badge)"
Agreed, incorporated in the attached proposal.
> 5.6 add: "for official events", "(...) and organization team for the rest"
I've reworded the paragraph to incorporate the suggestion, and include
Anti-Harassment for advice. Now it looks like this:
5.6.- In case you're unsure, the [DebConf Content
can provide guidance for official events, and the DebConf organisation
team and the Debian Anti-Harassment team for the rest.
> 6.1: We = Debian, right?
Yes, incorporated in the attached proposal.
> 6.2: To be pedant: "at antiharassment team" (link to team) (email...)
> But here I'm not sure if we should have only antiharassment team as
> responsible, and add: "for quick reponse, complains could be done also
> to any organizer, registration desk, relevant speaker or talkmaister."
The 6.2 paragraph already includes organiser and frontdesk. I've
reworded like this:
6.2.- Complaints can be made to any of the organisers,
at the registration desk, or at the [Anti-Harassment
I'm not sure if including "relevant speaker or talkmeister" or not
(just for simplicity of the text). I understand that during a talk,
talkmeister is part of "organisation team", but maybe I'm wrong.
> 6.4: I think at the end it should be removed, and put in delegation of
> antiharassement team. It is mostly internal procedure.
I think the idea of this paragraph is like "be aware that we'll try to
check facts" in order to avoid false complaints. Also to warn people
the opposite: in some situations talking to both sides may not be
possible (hence the "depending on the situation..."). However, this
paragraph was present in the original DebConf CoC, in which wording I
didn't participate, that's why I kept it; any light on this is
> 6.x: I liked the original proposal, to include that all attendees should
> help (if comfortably to do so) to make all partecipants feel comfortable
> and included.
I like that idea too, but I am not sure which paragraph of the
original proposal are you referring too, and maybe the "Be aware" is
not the section to include it. Would you mind to propose a paragraph?
(maybe as 3.4 section? or rewording of the 3.3?)
> 6.y: just not to make conflict of power: "final decisions are taken by
> Debian Antiharassment team", Maybe at beginning of 6.5, stressing that
> other people (6.2) could take temporarly immedaite measures.
This is one of the problem of the "6.- Be aware" section as a whole,
and the "9.- Our promise to you" section too: it's clear the different
contact points (DebConf orga, registration desk, Anti-Harassment) and
that it's Debian as a whole community who wants and cares and works
towards a nice conference, but it's not clear who is in charge of
taking decisions or ultimate responsible of them.
Here you suggest Debian Anti-Harassment Team but, for now,
AntiHarassment is not a delegated team. In my vision of working in the
team (for just one year, though), A-H mission is to receive the issues
and care that they are not forgotten/overlooked, investigate and
mediate, and provide advice and proposal of actions to the involved
persons ,and the Debian people or teams that actually have the power
to take decisions (e.g. DPL, DAM, DebConf committee...).
So, if we all agree with this, maybe we can add a 6.2b paragraph like
6.2b.- Ultimate decisions will be taken by the corresponding Debian
team or body, heared the advice of Debian Anti-Harassment team, the
DebConf organisation team, and the DebConf committee.
There are other ways to solve this but I'm not sure which one is best
(even I'm not sure about my proposal above). That's why I left this
"6. Be aware" topic open in my former proposal, and I'm afraid I still
couldn't arrive to a strong position; maybe during the team meeting we
can hear more voices and arrive to something.
Once the paragraphs are final, we should renumber them so there are
not letters in the sections/subsections.
> 8.1 s/conference/DebConf/, but I would also add Debian CoC,
> debian-project list (such questions usually are cross project)
I've changed s/conference/DebConf/ but I think we should keep the
paragraph related to DebConf, we already say that the Debian CoC
applies and we/anybody can redirect the discussion to -project if needed.
> 9: Our/We: this is Debian, Debian comunity (I think not), DebConf,
> DebConf orga?
I tried to keep the promises realistic to what the Debian
Anti-Harassment team can do with our current forces/abilities. So we
can say Debian or DebConf orga or whatever we like.
However, see my comments above about 6.y / 6.2b.
We all in Debian care about this, but IMO the people promising are the
people that can actually do something to fulfill the promise. If we
name a particular body in section 6, I think here "we" should be
consistent with that.
For now, I left the paragraph unchanged.
I've also made some minor changes for consistency "ization" ->
isation, izer -> iser, and remove some "" that were left around.
Laura Arjona Reina
--- debconf_coc_proposal2.txt 2017-05-15 12:24:10.495665575 +0200
+++ debconf_coc_proposal3.txt 2017-05-15 14:02:49.398706310 +0200
@@ -1,24 +1,27 @@
DebConf Code of Conduct
1.- Preamble
1.1.- DebConf, as part of the greater Debian Community, assumes good faith
-on all those who wish to improve Debian. However, other experiences at
+on all those who wish to improve Debian. However, other experiences in past DebConfs and
other conferences have shown us the need to adopt a Code of Conduct in
-which we state our expectations of all attendees and organizers during
+which we state our expectations of all attendees and organisers during
the Debian Conference.
2.- Scope
+2.0.- This Code of Conduct applies in addition to the [Debian Code of
+Conduct]() and the [Debian Diversity Statement]().
2.1.- This code of conduct applies to all participants at DebConf
-(organisers, volunteers, speakers, attendees, guests), in addition
-to the [Debian code of conduct]() that applies to the Debian community
-as a whole.
+(organisers, volunteers, speakers, attendees, guests).
-2.2.- This code of conduct apply to DebConf, as well as all related events,
-including those organised inofficially, such as excursions, evenings at the pub,
+2.2.- This code of conduct apply to DebConf, as well as all related events and places, which include also:
+- DebConf, DebCamp venues and (if the case) also the provided hacklabs, food and accommodation venues
+- IRC, mailing lists, organisation meetings,
+- the unofficially organized events, such as excursions, evenings at the pub,
sports, and other.
2.3.- The rules of the venue and related facilities also apply, within the
@@ -27,7 +30,7 @@
3.- Be excellent to each other
-"3.1.- DebConf is committed to providing a safe environment for all
+3.1.- DebConf is committed to providing a safe environment for all
participants. All attendees are expected to treat all people and
facilities with respect and help create a welcoming environment.
@@ -48,11 +51,11 @@
areas, and welcome them into our community.
-3.3.- We are a diverse community. Sometimes this means we need to work harder
+3.3.- We, Debian, are a diverse community. Sometimes this means we need to work harder
to ensure we're creating an environment of trust and respect where all
who come to participate feel comfortable and included.
-We value your participation and appreciate your help in realizing this goal."
+We value your participation and appreciate your help in realizing this goal.
4.- Be respectful
@@ -60,7 +63,7 @@
4.2.- Be courteous to those around you.
-4.3.- If someone indicates they don't wish to be photographed, respect that
+4.3.- If someone indicates they don't wish to be photographed or recorded, respect that
4.4.- If someone indicates they would like to be left alone, let them be.
@@ -71,10 +74,10 @@
5.- Be inclusive
-5.1.- Please carry always your name badge with you, so you can prove
+5.1.- Please carry always your personal DebConf badge with you, so you can prove
you are attendant to DebConf if required.
-5.2.- We recommend to wear your name badge it visible to others,
+5.2.- We recommend to wear your personal DebConf badge it visible to others,
to make easier for them to communicate with you.
5.3.- By default, all presentation material must be suitable for people aged
@@ -84,18 +87,20 @@
submission notes.
5.5.- You remain solely responsible for your content and your
-5.6.- The [Content Team]( can provide guidance in
-case you're unsure.
+5.6.- In case you're unsure, the [DebConf Content Team](
+can provide guidance for official events, and the DebConf organisation
+team and the Debian Anti-Harassment team for the rest.
6.- Be aware
-6.1.- We will not tolerate intimidation, harassment, or any abusive,
+6.1.- We, Debian, will not tolerate intimidation, harassment, or any abusive,
discriminatory or derogatory behavior by anyone at any Debian event
or in related online media.
6.2.- Complaints can be made to any of the organisers,
-at the registration desk, or by emailing
+at the registration desk, or at the [Anti-Harassment team](
6.3.- All complaints will be taken seriously and handled discretely and confidentially.
@@ -142,7 +147,7 @@
8.- Questions
-8.1.- If youâ??re not sure about anything in this conference Code of Conduct,
+8.1.- If youâ??re not sure about anything in this DebConf Code of Conduct,
please contact the [DebConf organisers (public mailing
list)](, approach any of us in
person, or send a message to the [anti-harassment
@@ -167,4 +172,3 @@
9.3.- We understand that there are always two sides to any incident,
and we strive to hear both. However, our priority is to restore safety
and comfort for everyone at the conference.
DebConf Code of Conduct
1.- Preamble
1.1.- DebConf, as part of the greater Debian Community, assumes good faith
on all those who wish to improve Debian. However, other experiences in past DebConfs and
other conferences have shown us the need to adopt a Code of Conduct in
which we state our expectations of all attendees and organisers during
the Debian Conference.
2.- Scope
2.0.- This Code of Conduct applies in addition to the [Debian Code of
Conduct]() and the [Debian Diversity Statement]().
2.1.- This code of conduct applies to all participants at DebConf
(organisers, volunteers, speakers, attendees, guests).
2.2.- This code of conduct apply to DebConf, as well as all related events and places, which include also:
- DebConf, DebCamp venues and (if the case) also the provided hacklabs, food and accommodation venues
- IRC, mailing lists, organisation meetings,
- the unofficially organized events, such as excursions, evenings at the pub,
sports, and other.
2.3.- The rules of the venue and related facilities also apply, within the
boundaries of the venue. They are explained
[here](link to a document provided by the venue, if any).
3.- Be excellent to each other
3.1.- DebConf is committed to providing a safe environment for all
participants. All attendees are expected to treat all people and
facilities with respect and help create a welcoming environment.
3.2.- DebConf is committed to the ideals expressed in our [Diversity
Statement](). We ask all participants to adopt these principles.
For easyness, we quote here the Debian Diversity statement:
Debian Diversity Statement
The Debian Project welcomes and encourages participation by everyone.
No matter how you identify yourself or how others perceive you: we
welcome you. We welcome contributions from everyone as long as they
interact constructively with our community.
While much of the work for our project is technical in nature, we
value and encourage contributions from those with expertise in other
areas, and welcome them into our community.
3.3.- We, Debian, are a diverse community. Sometimes this means we need to work harder
to ensure we're creating an environment of trust and respect where all
who come to participate feel comfortable and included.
We value your participation and appreciate your help in realizing this goal.
4.- Be respectful
4.1.- Respect yourself, and respect others.
4.2.- Be courteous to those around you.
4.3.- If someone indicates they don't wish to be photographed or recorded, respect that
4.4.- If someone indicates they would like to be left alone, let them be.
4.5.- Our event venues and online spaces may be shared with members of the
public; please be considerate to all patrons of these locations, even
if they are not involved in the conference.
5.- Be inclusive
5.1.- Please carry always your personal DebConf badge with you, so you can prove
you are attendant to DebConf if required.
5.2.- We recommend to wear your personal DebConf badge it visible to others,
to make easier for them to communicate with you.
5.3.- By default, all presentation material must be suitable for people aged
12 and above.
5.4.- If you could reasonably assume that some people may be
offended by your material, please state so explicitly in the
submission notes.
5.5.- You remain solely responsible for your content and your
5.6.- In case you're unsure, the [DebConf Content Team](
can provide guidance for official events, and the DebConf organisation
team and the Debian Anti-Harassment team for the rest.
6.- Be aware
6.1.- We, Debian, will not tolerate intimidation, harassment, or any abusive,
discriminatory or derogatory behavior by anyone at any Debian event
or in related online media.
6.2.- Complaints can be made to any of the organisers,
at the registration desk, or at the [Anti-Harassment team](
6.3.- All complaints will be taken seriously and handled discretely and confidentially.
6.4.- Depending on the situation, we will talk to the reporter, the
reported, or both to determine what mediation and/or action is
6.5.- Depending on the situation, we may enforce immediate consequences,
even before further investigation.
6.6.- FIXME_Pending_if_some_more_thing_is_needed
6.7.- Debian, the DebConf organisers, and the venue in which DebConf is
being held cannot be held responsible for any costs incurred by the
dismissal from the conference. By registering, you explicitly agree to this.
7.- What does that mean for me?
7.1.- All participants: organisers, volunteers, speakers, attendees, guests,
must not engage in any intimidation, harassment, abusive, or
discriminatory behavior.
7.2.- If you notice behavior that fails to meet these standards,
please speak up and help to keep DebConf as respectful as we expect it to be.
7.3.- The following is a non-exhaustive list of examples of behaviors that
are deemed highly inappropriate and will not be tolerated at DebConf:
* offensive verbal or written remarks related to gender, sexual
orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or
* sexual or violent images in public spaces (including presentation
* deliberate intimidation;
* stalking or following;
* unwanted photography or recording;
* sustained disruption of talks or other events;
* unwelcome physical contact or other forms of assault;
* unwelcome sexual attention;
* sexist, racist, or other exclusionary jokes;
* unwarranted exclusion from conference or related events based on
age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body
size, race, religion;
8.- Questions
8.1.- If you’re not sure about anything in this DebConf Code of Conduct,
please contact the [DebConf organisers (public mailing
list)](, approach any of us in
person, or send a message to the [anti-harassment
8.2.- If you wish to report a violation of this Code of Conduct, please
8.3.- The anti-harassment team is a closed group of people dedicated to dealing
with conflicts and difficult situations.
Please see [the wiki page]( to find out
who is serving on the team and some recommendations on how to help
in promoting or restoring the welcoming environment in Debian and DebConf.
9.- Our Promise to You
9.1.- We will handle every complaint with diligence.
9.2.- We will reply, in writing, as soon as possible to acknowledge the
concern and assure that the matter is being investigated.
9.3.- We understand that there are always two sides to any incident,
and we strive to hear both. However, our priority is to restore safety
and comfort for everyone at the conference.
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