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Re: [Debconf-team] Minutes, Agenda and Status reports for next meeting (14 Oct, 18:30 UTC)

Dear all

I'm seeing that the communication is still not working well, so I'm trying something else:

Can each teammember put on the titanpad, before tomorrow's meeting (18:30 UTC) [1]:
1) What they have been doing/will be doing for the next two weeks
2) What they need from other people to help them.
Conversely, if you need something from someone specific, write it under their name.

I am jotting things down where I am aware of them - please edit or replace as you see fit. Also advise me if I shouldn't be doing this on behalf of people.

I think the Teams/Task groupings are still useful, but for the moment I want to shift the focus to the people doing the tasks.

[1] - https://debconf16-capetown.titanpad.com/2


On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 2:57 PM, Bernelle Verster <bernellev@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all

Last week's website sprint can be found in the wiki meeting page [0].

Stefano, please update the minutes as you see fit, I didn't always
know what's going on. If possible please send a status report and
rough plan re wafer for the next week or few weeks?

ACTIONS required:
* All: Status reports on what people have been doing this week, and
what is planned for the next week, in the agenda titanpad [1]
* All: Feedback on website proposal [2] (are there other proposals to
be considered, or can we run with this, in conjunction with site map
development and wafer?)
* RichiH : We need to send a list of requirements to ICTS. If you
cannot provide, can ginggs thumbsuck these (based on DC15 experience)
and send to them?
* Others?

Please note: next meeting is Wednesday, 14 October, at 18:30 UTC. Main
objective is getting a handle on timelines. [1]


[0] - https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Meetings/2015-10-07
[1] - https://debconf16-capetown.titanpad.com/2
[2] - https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debconf-data/dc16.git/plain/design/Design/Website/Website_Layout_Proposal1_lowres_10oct15.pdf

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