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Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf subteams list


On 12/10/14 at 03:57 +0200, gregor herrmann wrote:
> > - In the slightly longer term, should we make subteam leads
> > automatically/ex-officio become members of the DebConf Committee, for venue
> > decisions etc.?
> Yes.
> I'd even scratch the comittee and replace it by The DebConf Team
> (chairs + subteam leads).

I think that we need to be a bit careful here, and remember that one of
the main purposes of DebConf is to serve Debian as the annual gathering
of many contributors.

If the DebConf Committee is composed solely of people deeply involved
in DebConf organization, there's a risk that it will lose the global
picture and optimize bid selection for itself (using the point of view
of each DebConf sub-team rather than Debian as a whole).

One solution to this, that was proposed during the sessions at DC14, was
to form the DebConf committee with:
- one half with DebConf chairs + sub-team leads. Of course, they would
  care about the global picture, but their main responsibility would be to
  "debug" bids regarding their teams' own focus: the Infrastructure
  sub-team lead would be expected to ask the questions about local network
  and internet connectivity, for example.
- one half with Debian developers nominated by the DPL (or chosen by the
  project as whole through another mechanism, but I don't think that we
  need something more complex that just nomination by the DPL). They would
  also care about everything, but will mainly focus on ensuring that each
  bid best serves Debian, by e.g. outlining problems that would make a bid
  unsuitable for a large portion of the Debian community.

If desirable, to reduce slightly the number of members, we could count
debconf chairs as neutral, that is, have 2n+3 members, with n the number
of sub-team leads.

As a first step that could maybe be implemented for the DC16 bid
selection, we could ensure that already-known sub-team leads become
members of the DebConf committee, but keep current other members of the
committee (they probably serve as a good-enough approximation of people
that would be chosen by the DPL to represent Debian's interests).


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