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Re: [Debconf-team] A proposal about scheduling for DC14

On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 01:34:58PM -0700, Jonathan McDowell wrote:
> Fri, August 22:		Arrival day. Dorm check in available after noon.
> 			Minimal hacklabs. No talks.
> Sat, August 23:		First day of conference. Opening immediately after
> 			brunch. Slots for 4 talks afterwards (inc DPL).
> Sun, August 24:		Full day of talks; start post brunch, 15 slots.
> Mon, August 25:		Full day of talks. 18 slots.
> Tue, August 26:		Full day of talks. 18 slots.
> Wed, August 27:		Day trip
> Thu, August 28:		Hack day. BOFs either side of lunch (6 slots).
> Fri, August 29:		Hack day. BOFs either side of lunch (6 slots).
> Sat, August 30:		Hack day. BOFs post brunch (3 slots).
> Sun, August 31:		Last day of conference. Post brunch lightning
> 			talks (1hr30?), closing plenary, done by 4pm.
> 			Hacklabs open.
> Mon, September 1:	Leaving day. No hacklabs, leave rooms by noon.

> I think the important people who need to say that this works for them
> are the talks and video teams. Getting a quick agreement on this will
> help those trying to get their tickets booked; I will assume if I don't
> hear anything in the next week that this works for everyone.

Well, there have been some objections, and in today's meeting we were
still arguing about it, but we agreed we should sort out a "final"
plan this week.

The version above will currently win, if the discussion doesn't get
any further forward.

Personally, I preferred the original Portland proposal of trying a
more interleaved schedule -- for me, having blocks of three days for
talks / hacking and BOFs just recreates the DebConf/DebCamp split the
same as in other recent years, wasting the opportunity to experiment
with how a different format works.  If an interleaved format *doesn't*
work as well, we wouldn't need to repeat it, but I was ready to
believe that it might indeed be better -- we won't find out if we
never try it.


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