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Re: [Debconf-team] DC14 C&W venue status

[Resent with correct addresses]

Greetings Team,

I'm on the local team and have been tasked with finding a venue for the
Cheese and Wine party, with guidance from Gunnar Wolf.  I thought I'd
give a status of what I've found before the IRC meeting tomorrow.

I've thoroughly researched outdoor parks along SW Park Avenue, near
Portland State University.  There are other suggestions that I have not
addressed at the moment, such as having local companies host the party
(Puppet Labs or New Relic), or renting space near the university campus
(Art Museum? Hotel?).  The remainder of this mail is about the City of
Portland's Bureau of Parks and Recreation.

Two options…

South Park Blocks¹:

  * Located² on campus
  * 9PM curfew
  * "Special Use Permit" fee ($160USD)
  * Need to rent tables and chairs
  * May be required to rent two portable restrooms ³
  * May be required to fence off area and increase permit fee by $1000 ³
  * Application entry can begin Feb 17th

Director Park⁴:

  * Located⁵ about 10 blocks north of campus
  * 10PM curfew if Friday or Saturday, otherwise 9PM
  * Fee ($846USD if < 5 hours, otherwise $1404 full-day fee)
  * Security Deposit ($500USD, refundable)
  * Includes 30 chairs (additional @ $4/table w/3 chairs each)
  * Has an 11m bench
  * Has stanchions to rope-off the party
  * Need to rent one portable restroom
  * Application entry can begin now

Both options require:

  * Application fee ($80USD)
  * Insurance ($135USD)

I tried to keep these lists terse but have plenty of notes any anyone
wants details.

According to Gunnar, the 9PM curfew is a major problem as the C&W
usually *begin* around 7-8PM.  I believe having the party indoors is the
only way to overcome this limitation.  I'm curious about DC10 C&W —
Indoors? Or outdoors and penalized by draconian US alcohol and crowd
laws? :P

¹ https://www.portlandoregon.gov/parks/finder/index.cfm?action=ViewPark&PropertyID=674
² http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=45.51137&mlon=-122.68536#map=19/45.51137/-122.68536&layers=N
³ Uncertain about the fence and restroom fees and requirements, awaiting
  a call with PP&R tomorrow.
⁴ https://www.portlandoregon.gov/parks/article/292473http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=45.51867&mlon=-122.68141#map=19/45.51867/-122.68141&layers=N

Gerald Turner <gturner@unzane.com>        Encrypted mail preferred!
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