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[Debconf-team] [DC14] Venezuelan team: How to convince us this is for real (and will stand)


I am trying to summarize the issues that could be the weakest both in
your bid and in Portland's, and will send two separate mails. 


This is not the first time Venezuela presents a bid. And, frankly,
your offering looks a-m-a-z-i-n-g. Comfort-wise, way beyond anything
what we have seen. Hotel Maremares looks like a top-notch, five-star
setting. And although being taken care of and pampered is always nice,
consider: Do we need that for a work conference? Are there possibly
cheaper, less "flashy" venues? Nobody will complain about a beautiful
place, but DebConf is *not* (and has never been, and should never be)
about a good vacation.

If I understand correctly, the cost for staying at Maremares (given
prices are Dollar-indexed and not in Bolívares — re: the recent
devaluation) will be around US$90 per person per night (in double
occupancy, 100/2=50 for the hotel room plus US$20×2 for lunch and
dinner). You say this can be discounted via government support, but it
is still quite a high figure. And I expect the prices and lodging
standards for Hotel Puerto La Cruz will be in the same league, given
they are part of the same chain.

When we have chosen less-developed countries, one of the main selling
points of such countries has been lower prices. Last year in
Nicaragua, however, we faced the reality that life in the country was
indeed cheap, but renting the good quality space we needed in a single
hotel and with good networking and working conditions was quite
expensive. In the end, of course, we found many ways to cut costs, and
it worked very good. However, we should probably aim to something more
in the line of what we have done in the past.

So, what would be your reply to this?


Well, several people's issues have already been voiced, both on the
economic and on the politic levels. I know President Chavez's death is
very recent and many things are not yet known, but we cannot postpone
the discussion and choice of venue. So, please try to calm us down :)

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