Re: [Debconf-team] Accomodation/Pricing meeting - some ideas for agenda
Giacomo Catenazzi <> writes:
> On 26.02.2013 16:16, Philipp Hug wrote:
>> Note: we need to reserve some of those rooms for attendees with
>> special needs. I'd prefer if those are in the double-category as we do
>> only have 4 singles.
> Special needs usually have a double room (they are accompanied). But
> I've no problem on giving them also some bigger rooms, it the rooms (and
> surrounding) are suitable.
Note that all the single rooms are in Zwingli which is AFAIK not
accessible with wheelchair. The perfectly accessible building with
sleeping rooms (besides the talk rooms) is Beausite. AFAIK the upper
floor of Passerelle is also wheelchair accessible, but I'm not
completely sure about this. These are all rooms with bedding.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~
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