[Debconf-team] Proposal for room allocation procedure
Hello World,
To prepare the prices and category meeting, I drafted a possible
procedure for room allocation.
I think that the procedure should be decided from time to time in
debconf-team meetings, and mostly after we have true numbers. The
meetings are open, which would guarantee the transparency (and we'll
discuss the methods, not the real people names).
So the proposal:
phase 1: registration: we offers the (to-be-decided in the other
meeting) categories. No number restrictions on any categories.
Possibly we publish regularly the statistic of required rooms in a
report (like the darst's ones).
phase 2: we close registration, we block room selection (and
sponsorship), and:
- the bursary team select who will be sponsored (hopefully also about
travel sponsorship)
- the room allocation team will do the first draft of allocation, with
the following priorities:
** special needs, gender, etc.
** date of registration
ev. also:
** sponsors (1 to 3 person depending the categories)
** paying person have more priority than sponsored people, on selected
[ these two last point are IMHO also point to be discussed in the price
We send to the attendees the information about sponsorship status, and
proposed allocated rooms (according preferences, availability and the
priority). Only the category, we will not yet define the roommates.
phase 3: confirmation: People can accept our proposal, or they contact
front-desk (or maybe direct in penta: "I confirm only if I get the
desired room category").
phase 4: Removing the non-confirmed people from the room allocation, we
try to improve the rooms according the initial preferences, and ev. ask
confirmation to attendees.
The priority of phase 4:
** date of confirmation/mail to frontdesk (yes and maybe)
but IMHO without taking in consideration (either positive o negative)
the "maybe".
Then we allocate the free beds for paying people (the late-registered
people), like usual.
and finally the true allocation with names, according the usual rules
(interest, age, languages,...).
It seems complex, but I hope only few categories will be overbooked, so
it will be also easy to manage queues.
So the link with the category-and-price meeting is to define if/what
priorities we should make (sponsor, non-sponsored). And if we should
require professional registration in order to have a room (like on other
debconfs) for late registrant. The rest is mostly technical and can be
discussed later. (but if you have a better procedure)
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