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Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf13 accomodation/food/fees prices proposal

On 01/02/13 00:35, gregor herrmann wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Jan 2013 23:13:35 +0000, Moray Allan wrote:
>>> - Large, Medium and Small may mean different things to different
>>> people.
>>>  But "2 to 20 person sleeping-bag room" seems too verbose (but if
>>>  others disagree I can live with that).
>> I don't see any loss from being verbose, if verbose means a short
>> phrase like that.  As you say, large/medium/small will mean
>> different things to different people (and would also normally be
>> taken to describe the room's physical size, not the number of
>> occupants).
> From a participant's point of view, I also can imagine a list of
> something like
>     room type:
>     - 1-2 persons, bedding provided
>     - 26-32 persons, sleeping bag needed
>     ...

I would use the word linen rather than bedding

Why have the sleeping bag distinction at all?

Does Le Camp actually offer optional linen for those rooms and did we
get the prices of such optional items fixed in the contract?  Given the
need for simplicity and the success of fundraising, why not just put
linen in all rooms and remove half the categories?

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