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[Debconf-team] another impediment to contract signing

The fundraising team has been in discussions with the local canton about
receiving a subsidy or sponsorship

Sometimes Government agencies only give this type of money if they feel
there is a risk that the event will go to another region/city

On this basis alone, I think we should allow these discussions with the
canton to run their course before committing to any particular venue

To put this in perspective, RMLL received about 30% of their funding
from official sources in Geneva.  It is normal in the Swiss economy for
events to be subsidised, that is one reason why the prices are so high,
because the venues, etc all expect that we have money from the
government to spend.

Personally, I believe this is another good reason for the DPL to
consider deferring any decision until the fundraising team finishes
these discussions with the canton and gives an accurate report about how
much money has been committed by the canton to `keep' the event.

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