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Re: [Debconf-team] Bénévolat

(Rodolphe, most of the team onlyspeaks English)

Quoting robles rodolphe (rodolphe.robles@sfr.fr):
> Bonjour,
> Je suis un particulier, passionné de GNU/Linux depuis quelques
> années, membre de l'April et essayant de promouvoir et de défendre
> les logiciels libres,  je suis en train de tenter de créer un GUL
> (groupement d'utilisateurs de Linux) dans ma région dont voici les
> prémices :
> http://linux07.aufildudoux.fr/author/linux07/
> Je suis intéressé par votre évènement qui va avoir lieu au Nicaragua
> cet été et je voudrais savoir si vous avez besoin de bénévoles et
> quelles seraient les conditions pour venir en tant que tel ? Je suis
> d'origine espagnole et bilingue. Je ne suis pas moi-même
> développeur, même si je désire approfondir mes connaissances en la
> matière. En attente de votre réponse.


I'm a GNU/Linux fan for a few years, member of April (local Linux user group
in Paris, widely known in France), et  wanting to promote and defend
free software. I'm trying to build a local LUG in my region (Ardeche,
in South-Eastern France).

I'm itnerested in your event planned in Nicragua and would like to
know if you need volunteers and what would be the conditions for
coming as such. I have some spanish roots and am therefore
bilingual. I'm not myself a developer vut would like to  improve my

Awaiting for your answer...

First possible answer: 

Rodolphe, Debian is opened to any contribution. It is hard to tell you
exactly what to do. Of course, you can certainly come. After all, it's
just about registering. Of course, as we actually never heard about
you and we have no way to decide about your contribution (work is not
"assigned" in Debian....people just happen to do it), there is
probably a low chance that you get sponsoring for coming.

If you can fund your travel by yourself, there is no reason for you to
not take part to the event...propose your help when needed....and
finally help us out very well.

Other team members will answer, probably more in detail and good
indications, I'm mostly trying to help out by translating back to

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