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[Debconf-team] Booting t-shirt organization

Hi all,

We need to start thinking about t-shirts.

First, we need to decide if we print in Mexico (as is the tradition) 
or we use a local supplier/printer. For this we need to compare 
prices/quality of both variants. I know local team wants a full-color 
print (the logo is 5 colors - two yellows, two blues and white). We 
need someone local to get quote for this (200-400 t-shirts of various 
base colors), and we need someone to ask Gabby for the same (and if 
she is willing to drive this again).

About the quality, we all have experience with .mx shirts. We need 
someone local to compare them with what is available locally.

We need to decide on colors :) The orga shirt is traditionally black, 
which leaves video team, volunteer and attendee shirts. This should 
wait until we choose .mx or local printer and get the possible colors.

Next, we need people to prepare t-shirt design (front) and lay out 
sponsor logos (back). [I can take this, but I am not exactly 
a designer, just happen to know the tools and the problem area]

All this is described at http://wiki.debconf.org/DebConf11/T-Shirts as 
soon there is progress on some point (or a volunteer takes a job), 
please note it there.

So, take a job you can help with and have fun! Thanks!

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