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[Debconf-team] DC10 housing and timing options/info

Hi global team,

Richard (aka MrBeige) just met with the Columbia University Conference Housing
Manager, Maria Alba. Here's his mail summarizing our options. Your thoughts are
welcome. (Yes, he actually did forget that July 4 is a major holiday;
regardless he expressed sufficient flexibility to move dates earlier or later
if we use Wien.) Overall, it's quite good news.

- Jimmy Kaplowitz

----- Forwarded message from Richard Darst <rkd@zgib.net> -----

From: Richard Darst <rkd@zgib.net>
To: DebConf10-Localteam List <debconf10-localteam@lists.debconf.org>
Subject: [Debconf10-localteam] Results of meeting with CU Housing
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 12:30:50 -0400
Message-ID: <20090908163050.GP23811@zgib.net>


There needs to be a two-day gap between events, so if another event
starts on Saturday we need to be out by Thursday.

June ~13-24 would work in McBain, but that is ending on a Thursday, and
the first week has the ACM conference overlap.

July is busy with the high school program, LEAD America, and lots of
summer sports programs.  We would have to split up in July, *except*
in Wien (see below).

June is less busy and has more options.


McBain - 350 beds, mostly doubles, available in most of June until the
24th (a Thursday).
(maps: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/housing/docs/residence-halls/mcbain/index.html )

Wien - 200 beds says Maria (internet says ~360 beds), mostly singles.
It was renovated last summer, and thus there won't be any returning
events for it.
(maps: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/housing/docs/residence-halls/wien/index.html )

If we were there in July, we would probably be mixed between Carman
(600 doubles) and Furnald (200 singles) with shared users.

We will get the double rate on all rooms regardless of double/single mix.

We are current targeting towards Wien from July 4 to July 18.  In
order for Wien to be confirmed, housing asks facilities if Wien will
be renovated again this summer (probably not), Maria consults with her
boss, and she tells me the results of these today.  If these checks
come out, we can with a large degree of certainly set these dates.
These Wien dates are flexible to be moved to later weeks, and likely
it could be moved earlier also.


We get the agreement to sign in December.  Attendance and 20% payment
due in March.  Payment balance due after the conference We have
flexibility to add more beds pending availability, but not remove them
without charge.

Payment is based on actual number of people in the building each
night, and will be calculated after the conference for final payment
due.  We should plan out carefully (at least for DebCamp) how many
people will be present each night in order to save money.  These
numbers should be sent in March.  Like the above paragraph says,
underestimating is better than overestimating.

October is when they hear what buildings will be renovated or not,
which is the delay in deciding, but she can tell us with fairly high
certainty what will work.

No tax if it goes through the university (like we will) of it it's a
tax-exempt organization (like our backup plan would be.


We will get guest ID cards.  No charge for the cards, but we must
return them.  $20 or so charge if we don't get them back.  We can get
guest IDs for people who do not stay with us.  They are tied to the
same system CUIDs are, just with different pictures.

Each attendee gets a package of two sheets, a blanket, a towel and a
pillow.  It would be changed after the first week, but not each day.

Need one adult for every six minors, but that is definitely not a
problem with DebConf.

There will be an intern assigned to our conference next summer and
will be our primary contact (and living on campus).  We can start
communicating with her/him starting in May sometime.

We can do all the room assignments ourselves.

It is pretty much guaranteed that there will be room for us, sometime,

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  lefschetz: up 9 days, 16:06
|            http://rkd.zgib.net  -  pgp 0xBD356740
| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
Debconf10-localteam mailing list

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