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[Debconf-team] Rough timeline for DC9


we just had the first DC9 meeting and the main output was the
following rough timeline:

  15 Jan: Penta opens for regisrations
  15 Mar: Registration for sponsored attendees closes
  31 Mar: Paper registration closes
  10 May: (beginning of May) paper selection announced

These dates are internal and subject to change, but hopefully make
it easier to plan.

The press release announcing the dates for the conference itself is
going out tomorrow.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debconf.org>
: :'  :  DebConf orga team; press officer
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf9: 23-30 Jul 2009, Extremadura, ES: http://debconf9.debconf.org
"what's your conceptual continuity? --
 well, it should be easy to see:
 the crux of the bisquit is the apopstrophe!"
                                                        -- frank zappa

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