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Re: [Debconf-team] Some ideas for encouraging sponsors

On Thu, 18 Oct 2007 01:57:22 +0200, Margarita Manterola <margamanterola@gmail.com> wrote:


While reviewing possible argentinian sponsors, I realized that what we
give back to sponsors is too little.  So I came up with an idea (that
then turned out not to be that original):

We could print a short magazine, that includes interesting info about
the conf, about Mar del Plata, about Argentina, DebConf schedule,
talks abstracts, etc.  And in this magazine include ads from the
This could be done with the proceedings, instead of a magazine.  I
personally don't like the proceedings too much, because not many
people read them, and they tend to be a waste of paper, but the result
would be the same.

 For what it is worth; when the sponsor bag from Debconf arrived at
Opera Software, the manager of engineering picked out the proceedings,
and handed the bag over to me.  He was the one who gave the green light
to give Debconf money, and he wanted the proceedings.

Herman Robak

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