Re: [Debconf-team] Minutes from today's meeting
Martín Ferrari dijo [Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 08:40:07AM -0300]:
> > Indeed, the amount of money is not worth the hassle. The suggestion
> > was only to try to prevent abuses, not to get a considerable sum from
> > this.
> Maybe we can think in a scheme where everybody pays a bigger sum (like
> $100, which saving some exceptions should be reachable by all) and
> then they get their refund at debconf if they get sponsored
> lodging+food. That could give us a bigger buffer while we get the
> sponsor's money and makes people think twice before confirming for
> debconf. Not having a monetary block makes it all too easy to apply.
> This obviously has the problem of the money transfers and all that
> jazz.
Hmh... International money transfer commissions in (the parts I know
about in) Latin America are usually at around US$50 per transfer,
independently of the amount transfered... Of course, people can group
them together, but it still sounds silly to have all that extra money
spent. Of course, we can find other ways (i.e. paypal, or
concentrating the money geographically to pay the lowest possible
overall commission). But yes, US$100 sounds pretty doable - And, also,
there is a human criteria - I'm sure that i.e. nobody will _demand_
pennyless students, or people from Cuba/Venezuela where access to
foreign currency is not a given, to pay or stay home
> > * Individual: intended for Students or Freelancers who are active
> > contributors to Debian, and can't afford to pay the cost of attending
> > to the conference. Cost: 0 or a small sum.
> That is a good point (about everybody paying at least a small sum). I
> am scared of people coming to debconf just because it's free. Even if
> Mar del Plata is not Buenos Aires, is close enough.
I feared that as well for DC6 - In the end, we _did_ have many people
coming from Mexico, or worse, reserving beds and not showing up - but
not as many so as to make me think we were wasting too many on
them. (note that I don't remember the numbers, and I _did_ complain to
a number of people about it).
Local people are likely to show up in the weekends, not as much in the
weekdays, specially because you are not in a holiday period (and
because a chilly Mar del Plata is not as attractive for the
occassional porteño as it is in January, of course). And it's a 4-5
hour ride... So I do think only interested people will show up.
Then again... I think setting an early cutoff date on sponsored
lodging (as Marga said, IIRC, not after May 31) is a good way to
control it. And, if too many Argentinian people register, they could
be contact on a personal basis...
> > * I intend to do real work during DebCamp. Those that sign up for
> > this category will be ask to state exactly what they plan to do.
> > Cost: 0.
> > * I intend to mainly hang out with other Debianites and socialize
> > during DebCamp. Cost: 250 USD.
> +1
+1. Of course, it's a bit hard to say what does "real work"
mean... But I guess we can +- trust people on this, right?
Gunnar Wolf - - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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