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[Debconf-team] DebConf8 Location Decision Meeting


The decision meeting for DebConf8 will be held on Sunday Feb 11th, at 20:00 UTC.
The meeting will be chaired by Neil McGovern and Holger Levsen.

The idea is to try to evaluate the options and arrive to a consensus
of which of these two locations is better suited for hosting DebConf8.
For this, we should have a meeting similar to that which led to the
decision of DebConf7.

This means, first point out the weaknesses and strengths of each
venue, then allow for some questions, if there's anything still
missing from the info pages, then compare the venues against this
Priority List: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/PriorityList

Those that plan to be present in the meeting and participate in the
decision or ask questions, should have read the info pages of both
venues and also the extra information presented on the list.

* Argentina: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Argentina
* Venezuela: https://www.debconf.org.ve/

See you there!


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