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[Debconf-team] PostgreSQL might join in EDI, not in SJJ


One point that wasn't mentioned in any of the recent discussion about
DebConf7 locations is that, according to Josh Berkus of the PostgreSQL
core team, PostgreSQL might be willing to do a combined or simultaneous
but separate conference along with DebConf7 if DC7 were held in
Edinburgh, but for various reasons including corporate sponsorship
concerns, this wouldn't work out in Sarajevo. PostgreSQL is another SPI
project, for those of you who haven't heard yet, and Josh is currently a
likely and qualified candidate to succeed me as SPI Treasurer effective
on July 29 of this month. He also has a lot of experience doing
fundraising at a significant scale, especially from corporate donors, as
well as moving money around between countries, and also organizing the
PostgreSQL conference. Check his SPI position statement here:


I should qualify what I'm saying in this email by stating that
PostgreSQL as a project has not decided anything about combining a
conference with Debian, and they could say no, but it's definitely a
strong possibility to consider for both you and them, and having them on
board would probably be a major plus for making DebConf fundraise and
run smoothly. This could only happen if you put DebConf7 in Edinburgh.

- Jimmy Kaplowitz

P.S. - You might also consider voting for him in the SPI elections for
which voting opens on the 15th. I think he'd be great for SPI and any
DebConf+PGConference alike.

P.P.S. - I'm speaking for myself in this email here, not Josh, but Josh
has said something similar in a previous email to debconf-team.

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