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Re: [Debconf-team] report sarajevo - answers

On Tuesday 04 July 2006 14:50, Alexander Schmehl wrote:
> Hi!
> * Safir Secerovic <sapphire@linux.org.ba> [060704 10:31]:
> > > - can we NOT have passport checks at the center?
> >
> > Offcourse we can, after all nobody from the Centre mentioned that, but we
> > could probably use DebConf7 ID cards.
> Don't take me wrong with this; but I found it confussing, how you use
> the terms like "Of course" during our stay.  For example you were quite
> sure (and even sweared IIRC), that there won't be any Hotels near the
> student dormitory, while we found one right on our way to the culture
> center.  Then you sweared they would be fit for disabled people, and we
> wouldn't need to check them, because all newer buildings are built that
> way, while it doesn't look fit for disabled people so far.
The BP Hotel (by the gas station, small one) has been built just recently and 
I have not taken it into account. It is my bad. 

> So I would ask you one thing:  If you say "of course", does it mean,
> "the culture center has already told me about it", or does it mean "I'm
> very sure we can arrange it"?

We are very sure we can arrange it.

> If it's the first one, please forget about this mail, I owe you a bear,
> but would be interested in details about that:  Would they still need
> to see passport on the first day?  Or a complete name list of our
> attendees?  Or would they just look at our name badges, at let people
> pass, if they have one?
We would not be using that entrance at all, but we would need to have name 
tags ID while on Cultural Centre premises so that they know they have 
conference participants inside.

> If it's the second one, than I would beg you to not say such things, If
> you don't know them for sure, since we need to trust on you and the
> iformation we get from you.
> Sorry and thanks, whatever fits better.
>   Alexander

No need for that, I have not sworn on anything, it was just my assumption 
based on previous knowledge of the place. Since those were not correct, I 
will not make anymore, nobody's perfect.


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