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[Debconf-team] Debconf6 bank/umbrella matters

Hello everybody,

As you are aware, we started working with AMESOL (Mexican Free
Software Enterpresarial Association, roughly) around October in order
for them to become our umbrella organization.

We opened a bank account in mid-November so we could use it for
Debconf matters. According to either Mexican law or the regulations in
the bank AMESOL works with (it is not clear to me), however, this
account was basically useless - We were (of course) able to put money
in it, but in order to use it we had to jump through incredible
amounts of loops - Just to give you an example, every cheque we were
to made would have to be signed by the three members of the AMESOL
board plus either my wife or myself (as Debconf representatives). We
could not get an ATM card (as this was not a personal account), and we
could only make electronic operations if the bank personnel installed
a specific software in our (of course, Windows-based) PC. And even
then, we would have to register in advance each of our business
partners with the bank in order to make any transfers to them (a
process that in our case took at least three days). And pay about US$7
per transfer. Yes, ridiculous. 

I must first of all thank AMESOL, and specially Jose Luis Chiquete for
his cooperation and help through this process. They invested a lot of
time and money to get the account running (I'm not going into details
in this public forum, but feel free to privately asking me for further
information). We had to take a decision, and it is by no means their

We were supposed to pay the first 10% to Oaxtepec by the end of
November. We got the money transferred from Finland in time, but had
to keep Oaxtepec waiting until the beginning of January. As I didn't
think the bank would answer to us in time, I got a personal loan for
this money and paid on January 10.

Some days before this, my wife and I talked also with our accountant,
who told us we would not have any special problems if we ran Debconf
off a personal bank account - So we opened an account, whose only
current titular is my wife, and will be using that account for all of
our needs. Fiscally, Debconf will be 0wn3d by her.

About the bank account: We will try to operate -in part for our
personal security- with as little money as possible on it at all
times. Of course, money will be transferred to and from it, but -at
least until we get close to Debconf, where we will need to have money
handy- we strongly prefer to keep it with the minimum needed cash.

Now, once again, I want to thank AMESOL. I hope we find more
possibilities to collaborate besides running the checkbook - The
businesses that belong to AMESOL can probably help us a lot with
different aspects of our organization. I hope to be able to talk soon
with AMESOL about this. 


Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@gwolf.org - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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