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Garbage disposal (Was Re: regarding tshirts and bags)

On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 11:39 +0200, Andreas Schuldei wrote:
> * Fabian Fagerholm (fabbe@paniq.net) [050629 11:33]: 
> > TKY has provided instructions about garbage disposal in the campus area.
> > The instructions will be included in the welcome package.
> i dont mean the "participant" size garbage disposal. i am more
> worried about the "empting house" size. 

The waste bins in the area support the full range of people living there
during non-vacation times. We're talking more than ten times the amount
of people that DebConf5 will bring. Naturally there are small bins all
around, but the ones I'm talking about are much larger. There are six of
those in the area. They are emptied twice a week normally and probably
at least weekly during the summer.

What we could do is provide plastic bags and equip each room with those.
The inhabitants can then take the filled bags to the large waste bins.
Or should we require people to buy their own plastic bags for trash?

If we need to handle massive amounts of waste or special kinds of waste
like electronics or chemicals then we can either bring it to the waste
treatment centre in Ämmässuo
(http://www.ytv.fi/ENG/waste/waste_treatment_centre/) or make special
arrangements to have it picked up and taken away. Both will cost money,
and I doubt we need this.

Fabian Fagerholm <fabbe@paniq.net>

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