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Re: food and registration: a fiasco

On Sat, Jun 11, 2005 at 08:50:49PM +0300, Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> 2) Re-allocate money from other expenses. (Read: tell some who're being
> sponsored that they can't come, after all.)

I'd rather not.

> 3) Spend less money per person. (Read: Worse and less food for
> everyone.)

Not really possible, most of food costs is not material but work etc.

> 4) Tell people who confirmed late that there might not be food for them,
> sorry. (People will be angry.)

With what right would they be angry? They confirmed late and in most 
conferences you have to pay for entrance, food _and_ accommondation.

Lateconfirmers will get food, just not free food, TF shouldn't have a 
problem making more food, although the place will get tight at some 

> 5) Ask people to give up free food. (I'm willing.)

Many developers can pay for their food themselves, or get sponsored by
their employers to attend. We could have had a "I need food sponsoring"
checkbox on registration form, but I think it's a bit late for it now.

We will let people to return their unused food tickets (which can be used
on later days), which can then be allocated to people most needing.


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