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svn access

we have two svn repositories on alioth now. 

one is for private data and material that might not be freely
distributable. the budget, passwords for websites and databases
and sponsor logos (and perhaps more) should go there.
anounymous checkouts should not work. You must be a member of the
group debconf6-team to access and write to that repository.

check out with
svn co svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/debconf6-team

The other is for all other data that should be kept under version
control. I expect our artwork, website/webcontent, talks, project
planning etc ... to end up here. anonymous checkout is possible.

check out with
svn co svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/debconf6-data

I would like *everyone* working on debconf6 stuff on the
debconf6-data project on alioth so you can change things. I dont
have much skrupel to add people to debconf6-team, either.
Especially if you work with the related data.

Please send me your alioth login so i can add you to either

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